Brodick and Goat Fell

The Isle of Arran is a large island off the coast of Scotland in the Firth of Clyde. It is often referred to as “Scotland in miniature” since it has both highland and lowland terrain (and a sole distillery!). Brodick is an important village in Arran as it is the ferry terminal and the main access to the island.


The photograph above shows Brodick Bay with Goat Fell mountain in the distance. At over 874m high, it is the highest point on the island and is owned by the National Trust for Scotland. This picture is a HDR composite of 3 bracketed shots at -2, 0 and +2 eV, processed in Photomatix Pro and Adobe Lightroom. Click on the photo to see a high resolution version on Flickr.

Domus Severiana

There is not much left of this roman palace built in the 2nd century CE except the lofty arches. Built during the reign of emperor Septimius Severus, this artists impression shows what palaces on Palatine Hill would have looked like.

Below is a photograph of one of the sides of the Domus Severiana. Bracketed HDR of three shots at -2, 0 and +2 eV, and then processed in Photomatix Pro and Adobe Lightroom Classic. Click on the photo for a large version on Flickr.


The temple of Saturn

Not much remains of the temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum, except these 8 pillars and the pediment which reads:

Senatus Populusque Romaus, incendio consumptum restituit

Or translated as “The senate and people of Rome, restored (this temple that was) destroyed by fire”.


Bridge over the Tiber

View of the Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II over the Tiber river in Rome at sunset. The bridge was designed by Ennio di Rossi in the late 19th century but construction was not completed till early 20th century. The bridge is named after Vittorio Emanuele II, the first king of an united Italy since the 6th century. Shot from Castel Sant’Angelo.


Shot on a Nikon D750 camera with an 28-300mm Nikon lens. Post-processed in Adobe Lightroom.

The Colosseum in Rome

Probably the best known edifice in Rome, instantly recognizable and photographed thousands of times every hour by the millions who visit this every year. Construction of this amphitheater was begun in 72AD under the reign of Emperor Vespasian and finished in 80AD under Emperor Titus.


Old and New

Cambridge is an old city and both co-exist in reasonable harmony. Walk down the old streets around the colleges and you will come upon signs of modernity in an older setting. This photograph is from Queen’s Lane in Cambridge with Queens’ College (1448 AD) on the left, St. Catharine’s College (1473 AD) on the right and the Webb’s building (Part of King’s College)(1441AD).


Shot as 3-shot bracketed exposures with a Nikon D750. Processed in Photomatix Pro and Color Efex Pro.

The Fens

The Fens are ancient marshlands in the east of England that comprise of land that is low lying (usually no more than a few metres above mean sea level). Over the years the Fens were drained to make way for long tracts of peat-rich soils crisscrossed by man-made drainage channels and canals. The photo below is of one such man made channel known as the Reach ford near the Wicken Fen Nature reserve that is managed by the National Trust. Wicken Fen is one the oldest of National Trusts nature reserve and is at the forefront in the preservation and maintenance of this ancient landscape.


Shot as a 3-exposure bracketed at -2, 0 and +2. Post processed in Photomatix Pro and Lightroom Classic. Nikon D750 with a 28-300mm Nikon Lens.